I have been remiss to have gone so long without mentioning that our town comes straight out of a 6-year old boys wildest dreams. In addition to having a 700-year old haunted castle (actually a kasbah) which is inhabited by an unknown hovering light, we are also blessed with a gangling, white ghost, and a dinosaur! The dinosaur was discovered in the foothills of the mountains near our village a few years ago, the ghost lives very near the house we will be moving into at the end of this month, and the haunted kasbah peaks its ruins out from between the trees of the village fields, which follow the river down the valley. Check out Amber's account of our recent visit to the kasbah with our language tutor Samira, here: http://moroccanamber.blogspot.com/2009/06/there-is-haunted-castle-in-our-town.html