Well before I left the comfort of the USA, there was a request that I record some of my songs for people to listen to while I was gone. In the tidal stress of preparing for departure however, I neglected these requests, and in an attempt to remedy this, I am now forced to broadcast my voice around the world for all those interested to hear. This, it turns out, also requires that I open a myspace account (but be forewarned that I do not intend to use this in the typical social fashion). So without further ado (much ado to follow), the website for listening to recordings is http://www.myspace.com/moroccansean . Enjoy.
Further ado: First, I would like to point out that the primary purpose of these recordings is for friends and family who miss me to have a way to hear my voice and thus stay connected on that important level, particularly since I have not been talking to people on the phone. As a result, I tried to give it that "sittin' right there in the room" feel by only recording each song once. In effect, it was a live concert with all the errors you would expect for such a venue. For those of you interested, the careful identification and repeated playing of these mistakes should bring much satisfaction and happiness (my second motive for the live concert style). Also, it should be stated that I am by no means a practiced guitar player or singer and therefore any attempt to record without mistakes would have been difficult if not maddening. My personal favorite hiccup is about 45 seconds in on "Always Remember". Its actually Amber's drum solo because she sent me a text and my phone was sitting next to the recorder. This created some sort of strange electronic field; a surprising and fresh percussion technique!
While I felt obliged to accommodate the request for my songs, I have also been hoping to post the more traditional and culturally significant sounds of daily life in Morocco. En Shallah, in the near future I will add these sounds. Look forward to them!
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