Fifth day, and I am still waiting for my chance to bath "nsha allah". We live in the most beautiful stone house with open air central courtyard and lots of fun animals (chicken, donkey, turkey, sheep, etc). All houses here have a flat roof designed be used and the view from our roof leaves me without words. Our town is breathtaking and our host-family is so sweet. Also our host-sister is the cook for our daily training site so we get the best food in town for breakfast , lunch, and dinner. The food, of course, is amazing. We eat a tagine every day and we have delicious atay(tea) an qhwa(coffee) a few times a day. We study six days a week, but we get a half day off Saturday and all day Sunday. The language learning is extremely difficult and I seem to take one step back for every 2 forward. "Imiq s imiq"(little by little) is a common discussion ending around here. Our group of five trainees live near each other so we often meet up in the evenings to study or just hang out and play cards or listen to music with our younger host-siblings. I taugh the kids here how to play 21(wahed u eshreen) and Slap jack which they love. Amber blew their minds by shuffling with a bridge. In the mornings, we pick each other up and make the gorgeous 1km trek to school as a team. We have already gotten very close: We have a lot of fun in school and after. We named ourselves "tarbuse(team) hussein" after the shy;funny 6 year old living above our madrassa(school). Tomorrow is Sunday so we are planning on heading to a famed waterfall about 50 km from here and some of us hope to get our chance at a hmmam too. "nsha allah" we may be able to go see a play about AIDs put on by current PC volunteers in a town nearby.